About Authority Pest Control
Owned and operated by Charles Brockley of Chesapeake, Virginia. As an independent family-owned business, Authority Pest Control saves on overhead and franchise fees, and hence, passes those savings on to you.
All pest control operators are bound by the same training and certifications. Hence, Authority is also fully accredited, including the latest in practices, new compounds and technologies. So, for the most ecological and effective eradication of pests available, call Charles at Authority.
Don’t waste your time with Do-It-Yourself pest control. And you certainly don’t need buy into the big, corporate conglomerates. Get the same certified, high-quality, state-of-the-art control for less, and support your local businesses, too.
Email Authority Pest Control!

Tiny bugs can cause big problems for people and pets. You treat the pets. We can treat your yard and your home. Click to call 467-PEST.

Ticks are dangerous to people and pets. Let us treat your yard and enhance the safety of your home and yard environments. Click to call 467-PEST.

Cockroaches. Disgusting prehistoric scavengers. We won’t tolerate them and neither should you. Click to call us at 467-PEST right now!

Spiders aren’t all bad, but infestations can be problematic. If you have too many spiders at your place, click to call Charles Brockley at 467-PEST.